
Photos and Astro photos

Monoceros region

January 2023. 3.3hrs exposure (49x4min) using a Samyang 135mmF2 lens & modified Canon DSLR. Click image for full resolution in new tab.

The dark shark (LDN1235) and LDN1251 in Cepheus

December 2022. 4.5hrs exposure using a Samyang 135mmF2 lens & modified Canon DSLR. These are cold dusty clouds which block light from background stars. Click image for full resolution in new tab.

The Cassiopeia Cepheus region

September 2022. Samyang 135mm F2 lens at F2.8. 60x3min (3 hours). Modified Canon kiss x7i camera (EOS700D) + Optolong l-enhance filter. Click image for full resolution in new tab.

Heart & Soul Nebula with the double cluster

September 2022. Samyang 135mm F2 lens at F2.8. 52x3min (2.5 hours). Modified Canon kiss x7i camera (EOS700D) + Optolong l-enhance filter. Click image for full resolution in new tab.

Witch head nebula

March 2022. Samyang 135mm F2 lens. 92x1min. Modified Canon kiss x7i camera (EOS700D). Click image for full resolution in new tab.

Orion region

February 2022. Samyang 135mm F2 lens. 100x1min. Modified Canon kiss x7i camera (EOS700D). Click image for full resolution in new tab.

M45 The Pleiades, The seven sisters, スバル

December 2021. Samyang 135mm F2 lens. 57x1min. Unmodified Canon kiss x7i camera (EOS700D). Click image for full resolution in new tab.

Andromeda Galaxy M31

October 2021. Samyang 135mm F2 lens. 52x1min. Unmodified Canon kiss x7i camera (EOS700D). Click image for full resolution in new tab.

NGC3189 and friends

Taken April 2021. 30x300sec through Baader luminance filter. Celestron C11 + 0.63x reducer


Taken Dec 2020 / Jan 2021

10.5 hours total exposure through Baader LRGB filters. Celestron C11 + 0.63x reducer

Globular clusters in M31

Taken September 2020. 15 globular clusters in the M31 galaxy 2+ million light years away.


Taken during winter 2019 / 2020.

4 panel mosaic through Baader luminance filter. Celestron C11

Click here for a high res view in a new tab

M27 in colour

Taken July 2019. 90min total exposure time through Baader LRGB filters.

Elephant trunk nebula

Taken 2016 using a 7nm HA filter. Celestron C11 + 0.63x reducer

Crescent nebula

Taken 2016 using a 7nm HA filter. Celestron C11 + 0.63x reducer. 5000 light years away in the summer constellation Cygnus.